Latest news

  • Nature Volunteering Events

    We are organising a series of nature volunteering events in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers. Events start from the 12th of September 2023!

    Published: 8th September 2023

    Poster we will use at physical locations describing the volunteering events mentioned on t
  • Consultation on strategy: results

    This web page reports on the consultation of the draft Thriving Greenspaces 2050 Vision and Strategy for the City of Edinburgh Council’s public greenspaces which ran from October to December 2022.

    Published: 26th January 2023

  • Regenerating Inch Park

    In 2022 we sought views on our masterplan for regenerating Inch Park, and bid for Levelling Up funding from UK Government. You can see more information on how things are going here.

    Published: 20th January 2023

  • New science in Hailes Quarry Park, Wester Hailes

    New project "How Biodiverse is Your Park?" recently gave local people the opportunity to find, photograph and identify plants and animals in Hailes Quarry Park, Wester Hailes.

    Published: 5th January 2023

  • Greenspaces strategy to 2050

    We recently consulted on a draft Greenspaces Vision and Strategy for Edinburgh to 2050. You can click through to read here. The consultation ran from 4 October 2022 until 31 December 2022.

    Published: 5th January 2023